
We hope these resources we've made available will be a blessing to you, but we hope even more that our physical company will be of far greater impact. So please enjoy these as a snapshot of who we are and what we're about, but come and enjoy one of our gatherings in person soon.


We believe that God the Holy Spirit speaks through his word today. So we aim to be a Church that preaches engaging sermons that faithfully explain the word of God and that appropriately apply his word to our lives. Our common practice is to pick a book of the Bible and go through it bit by bit, Sunday by Sunday, though occasionally we will give time to hear topical sermons too.


There is an array of musical preferences across the congregation, but we agree together that what’s of greatest importance are lyrics that are loaded with God’s words of life. So we count it a joy to prefer one another above ourselves as we sing old, cherished hymns as well as the latest, new songs.